Vanilla VAE
- Loss function (Negative ELBO, NELBO)
- \[l_i(\theta, \phi) = - \mathbb{E}_{z\sim q_\theta(z\mid x_i)}[\log p_\phi(x_i\mid z)] + \mathbb{KL}(q_\theta(z\mid x_i) \mid\mid p(z))\]
- Reconstructed Loss (Negative Log Likelihood, NLL)
- \[- \mathbb{E}_{z\sim q_\theta(z\mid x_i)}[\log p_\phi(x_i\mid z)] = l_{i}(\tilde{x_i}, x_i)=-w_{i}\left[x_i \cdot \log \sigma\left(\tilde{x_i}\right)+\left(1-x_i\right) \cdot \log \left(1-\sigma\left(\tilde{x_i}\right)\right)\right]\]
- \[w_{i} = 1\]
- KL Divergence
- \[\mathbb{KL}(q_\theta(z\mid x_i) \mid\mid p(z)) = \frac{1}{2}(\log{\sigma_{p}^2} - \log{\sigma_{q}^2} + \frac{\sigma_{q}^2}{\sigma_{p}^2} + \frac{(\mu_{q} - \mu_{p})^2}{\sigma_{p}^2} - 1)\]
- Assuming the approximate posterior, \(q_\theta(z\mid x_i) = \mathcal{N}{(\mu_{q}, \sigma_{q})}\)
- Set prior as fixed parameter, \(p(z) = \mathcal{N}{(\mu_{p} = 0, \sigma_{p} = 1)}\)
Gaussian Mixture VAE (GM-VAE)
- Loss function (Negative ELBO, NELBO)
- same as above
- Reconstructed Loss (Negative Log Likelihood, NLL)
- same as above
- KL Divergence
- In vanilla VAE, we simply assume that the prior, \(p(z)\), is normally distributed. To get a better performance, in GM-VAE, we instead fit our posterior to \(p(z)\), which is a mixture of gaussian.
- \[\mathbb{KL}(q_\theta(z\mid x_i) \mid\mid p(z)) = \mathcal{LL}{(z, \mu_{q}, \sigma_{q})} - \sum_{j=1}^{k}{\pi_j \cdot \mathcal{LL}{(z, \mu_{p(j)}, \sigma_{p(j)})}}\]
- \(\mathcal{LL}\) means log likelihood
- The second term is log likelihood of gaussian mixture where \(k\) is the number of gaussian components in mixture. In the actual implementation, we simply set the mixture proportion \(\pi = \frac{1}{k}\) for all \(k\) mixture components.
- For each gaussian component, \(\mathcal{N}{(\mu_{p(j)}, \sigma_{p(j)})}\), \(\mu_{p(j)}\) and \(\sigma_{p(j)}\) are randomly sampled from a standard normal distribution, \(\mathcal{N}(0, 1)\) and are scaled down properly.
Experimental Results
Training Curves
REC loss of VAE
As shown above, simply increasing the size of \(z\) is not always helpful on improving the performance of VAE. Instead, when using a relatively large \(z\) (i.e 1000), it takes much more itertaions (~8k) for the model to reconstruct images well.
REC loss of GMVAE
Test Results
N=20,000 | NELBO | REC |
VAE, z=10 | 98.735 | 79.388 |
VAE, z=20 | 96.104 | 71.958 |
VAE, z=50 | 95.947 | 70.720 |
VAE, z=100 | 95.962 | 70.753 |
VAE, z=1000 | 100.170 | 75.964 |
N=20,000, z=20 | NELBO | REC |
GMVAE, k=1 | 95.159 | 71.105 |
GMVAE, k=10 | 95.029 | 71.681 |
GMVAE, k=100 | 93.431 | 70.782 |
GMVAE, k=250 | 92.741 | 69.881 |
GMVAE, k=500 | 92.397 | 69.786 |
Reconstructed and Generated Samples
VAE, z=20, N=20,000 | GMVAE, z=20, k=500, N=20,000 |
VAE, z=20, N=20,000 | GMVAE, z=20, k=500, N=20,000 |
Random generated samples from VAE (output w/ Bernoulli) |
Reconstructed samples from VAE given deterministic MNIST subset (N=20000, z=25) |
Future Works
- using IWAE bound
- Semi-supervised and Full-supervised VAE